How many times have you looked at your website and wondered just how effective it is? Have you ever wondered where the people that visit are coming from or what search terms they used to get there? If you have wondered these things, you are reading the right post because we are going to look into the awesome world of website analytics and go over some of the key info you can gather using them.
Why do analytics matter?
Through analyzing website analytics, you can gather info about the activities of your website visitors which you can then compare to your marketing actions, giving you a big picture view of what is going on with your website and how effective it and your marketing is. Combine this info with information that you collect regularly about your clients and you can start to understand why your visitors do what they do when they go to your website, be it buying, calling or leaving. As in any situation, the more you know, the better the decisions you can make.
What can analytics track?
In this post, I will be talking about Google Analytics because that is what I use for me and my clients and that is what I am most familiar with. Using Google Analytics you can track over time:
The list above is actually only a fraction of the information you collect on your visitors through analytics. The beauty of it is that you can make changes to the site and compare the analytics results to the results before the changes were made, giving you a way to trend your visitor activities and really get a great idea of the effectiveness of those changes.
Where Can I Get Analytics?
Here is the best part of all of this, website analytics are free. Go to, and sign up for them. From there, copy and past the tracking code into the bottom of your website pages (right before your ending </body> tag), check your Google Analytics page to make sure it is working and you are good to go. There are a slew of other website analytics companies that you can get your analytics from, so don’t think Google Analytics are the only ones. I am most familiar with Google Analytics so that’s what I wrote on.
Analyzing the Analytics
If you need help analyzing your analytics, contact us right away because that’s one of the things we do and we do it well. Call us at 210-373-7352 with any questions you have and we will be happy to help you.
I hope this has been informative and helpful to you. If you don’t have analytics on your site, get them and start gathering the info. Information is powerful and the more you have, the more effective your site and your company can be.
God bless.
Koji Flowers (Big Cloud Media)