Tethering: Internet Anywhere You Have 3G

Tethering: Internet Anywhere You Have 3G

If you have ever wondered if you could use your crazy expensive cellphone data plan to get internet on your computer, read on!! (Note this article refers to tethering using an android based G1 and Tmobile service provider.  Tethering may not be available for your specific phone or carrier.  See below for details or visit Mobile-Stream’s Website)

In answer to the question above, Yes you can use your cellphone data plan to get internet on your computer!  The technology is called tethering and it is easier than you think to get started with it.

How Tethering works:

Tethering is the process by which you access your android phone’s 3G internet data plan connection (in my case the data plan that the Tmobile G1 uses) and use it to get online with your laptop / computer, through a USB connection.  Tethering allows you to connect your computer to the internet (at a decent speed) anywhere your phone gets a 3G connection.  It is a boon if you don’t want to pay extra each month for the aircard and the ability to get online from where ever you are.  I figure, we pay enough for our data plans, why not use them for our computer internet too.  The only limitation is that if you don’t have a data plan or you don’t have signal, you don’t have the internet connection.

How do I get it?

What you need to start tethering (this is a list based on what I have, the Tmobile Unlimited Data Plan and G1, etc.):

  1. Tmobile G1 (Easy Tether Lite also supports Moto DROID, Milestone, Nexus One, HTC Hero, HTC Dream, MyTouch, and other Android 1.5+ devices.  It also supports Windows Mobile phones and Palm OS phones)
  2. Data plan (I have the unlimited everything plan from Tmobile)
  3. Access to the Android Market to get the app on your phone
  4. Your computer
  5. USB cable to connect phone to computer.

Setting it up:

  1. Search for Easy Tether Lite in the Android Market
  2. Install Easy Tether Lite to your android phone.
  3. Follow the instructions for installing Easy Tether Lite to your computer.
  4. Once all is installed, follow the instructions in the Easy Tether Lite app and boom, you have internet for your computer, anywhere your phone gets internet.
  5. Note:  Easy Tether Lite is the lite version and after a time period will ask you to purchase it.  It’s not much $9.99 for unlimited use.  If you continue to use the service without paying for it you won’t be able to access https sites)


This app rocks for those, like me, who need the internet on the computer anywhere you are.  It’s easy, convenient and it works very well.  Please contact me if you want more info on tethering or how to do it.  Though I am not tech support for Easy Tether, I can help with basic setup, etc.  More info on Easy Tether Lite can be found here

Thanks for reading and I hope that you are able to make use of the Tethering technology out there.  If you like this article please leave a comment, digg it, post it on twitter and / or send it to your friends to read.  Big Cloud Media is all about helping businesses succeed online so we will continue to provide articles like this for our visitors.

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