As you know, we are always looking for ways to improve the level of service that Big Cloud Media provides and to move toward that goal, we have recently begun posting helpful tips on Twitter regarding Blogging, WordPress, Websites and Marketing (with a little SEO thrown in for good measure).
It is our aim to keep you informed on common issues that we have run into while completing our various projects and ways to avoid them. We also want to provide great advice and helpful burbs to educate, inform and empower you to make the web related decisions that will help, not hinder, your travels on the road to online success.
To make it open to everyone, we are using Twitter as the hub for the helpful info tidbits and we invite you to follow them via our @BigCloudMedia Twitter page. If you like the tweets, don’t like the tweets, etc. feel free to leave a comment or reply back to the tweet with your opinion. Feedback rocks, good or bad, and since we are offering up these blurbs for you, we want to know what you think about them to refine our advice even more.
You, our client or otherwise, are what keeps our doors open and we want to keep you informed, educate you and serve you in the best way possible with the best outcome possible, at all times.
— Forgive me for the shameless plug coming up but we gotta eat too. 🙂 —
If you need a custom website / blog created or you need your current one updated, contact me right now via Twitter (@BigCloudMedia) or our contact form. If you don’t need website/blog help, tell us who does or tell them about us. Referrals are always appreciated. 🙂
— Ok, shameless plug is over. —
All that being said, I hope you will follow us on twitter and RT the advice to your hearts content.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned.