Has anyone else had issues logging into gmail today? It was working fine earlier today and business was going as usual but for some reason I keep getting “Server Error” when I try to access my account now. Although it does not bring my business to a complete halt, this outage doesn’t do many good things, except remind me that although Google is an awesome online service provider and extremely powerful and large, they still have their misshaps too. Thus, create backups of important stuff…something all of us get comfy and forget about, but in the long run, it’s a good idea.
Resolution: well there isn’t one at the moment. According to Gmail’s support blog: “Because this is impacting so many of you, we wanted to let you know we’re currently looking into the issue and hope to have more info to share here shortly.” (you can read more here).
All of us gmailers will have to just deal, I guess, until Google gets their services back online. I guess it is pretty important to them because they use it too, lol. I know it’s free, but when a service has as many users as gmail and is no longer a beta, things should be anticipated. Cheers to waiting it out folks.
Koji Flowers
Big Cloud Media